Truckee 2040 Priorities

MAP’s Top 10 Truckee 2040 Priorities

While many worthy efforts are identified in the plan, we know that the Town has limited funding, capacity, and resources. Here at MAP, the most critical actions are those that protect open space, preserve community character, support the local workforce, and improve the quality of life for locals. Here are MAP’s top 10 Truckee 2040 priorities:

  1. Transfer of Development Rights Program (Action LU-1.D) A Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program transfers density or development potential from sensitive parcels (migration corridors, critical habitat areas, lands with significant natural features, etc.) to areas that can accommodate growth (core areas with existing infrastructure and services). A TDR program is an essential tool for conserving lands, like Upper McIver (the property above sled hill), that have been inappropriately zoned for development that is incompatible with natural resource values.

  2. Town of Truckee Density Bonus (Action LU-2.B) This program would provide additional housing density and incentives to developers that create workforce housing units to help house Truckee’s local workforce. It gives developers a reason to do the right thing. 

  3. Mapping of Open Space & Natural Resources (Action COS-1.C) It’s hard to protect lands with high natural resource values when we don’t know where those lands are. Mapping these resources gives the community the information needed to make informed land-use decisions. 

  4. Community Wildfire Protection Plan (Action SN-6.C) Given that the severity and frequency of wildfires are increasing due to a changing climate, the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP), adopted by the Truckee Fire Protection District, is crucial for outlining steps to reduce regional wildland fire risks. The next CWPP is set to be adopted this year, with updates every 5 years thereafter. The Town needs to support these efforts and be more engaged with the Fire District. 

  5. Emergency Planning (Action SN-6.D) New technologies are allowing communities to truly study, model, and understand emergency evacuation under various scenarios. While we would have liked for this process to be completed as part of the general plan update and used to inform future capital improvements, this is still a much-needed component of future evacuation planning. 

  6. Climate Action Plan Program Cost Benefit Analysis (Action CAP 11.G) The Climate Action Plan (CAP) is weak. Even though Truckee 2040 is supposed to guide us through (you guessed it) 2040, the CAP doesn’t meet the Town’s 2040 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. There’s no way around that. What’s more, the CAP lays out a bunch of actions to reduce emissions but doesn’t back it up with any data, so there’s really no way to understand the costs and benefits of implementing the various emissions reduction strategies. For MAP, this cost/benefit analysis should definitely have been completed as part of the CAP process, but since it wasn’t, we guess it should be a top priority moving forward. 

  7. Development Code Regulations for Scenic Resources (Action CC-1.A) Throughout this process, the community has repeatedly affirmed how necessary scenic resources are to maintain community character. This action item would establish standards for protecting hillsides, ridges, and bluffs. 

  8. West River Study (Action LU-9.A) This study would identify redevelopment and industrial relocation incentives in the West River District—a critical first step for revitalizing the river frontage. 

  9. Suitable Industrial Sites to Relocate Downtown Industrial Uses (Action ED-5.B) It has been a goal since the 2025 General Plan was adopted to relocate industrial uses in Downtown Truckee to more appropriate locations. To make this a reality, the Town needs to work with those business owners and assist with relocation.  

  10. Vacancy Tax Ballot measure (Action LU-12.E) This item would explore potential ballot measures to incentivize owners of vacant housing units to provide them as long-term rental housing for locals.